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Vanity fair in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2018-08-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vanityMayfaircapacity factorairy-fairyby fair means or foulsanityinanityinsanityMeaning: n. a vain and frivolous lifestyle especially in large cities. 
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1. Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine.
2. Moore has appeared twice on the cover of Vanity Fair without her shirt on.
3. But Menem later reacted with displeasure to a Vanity Fair article by Madonna in which she recounted the hectic process of filming.
4. Vanity Fair is the annual fair on Elstow village green, with its hucksters and cheap finery and pickpockets.
5. Vanity Fair, which was written by William Makepeace Thackeray, a Britain critical realist of 19th century, has attracted literary critics most among all Thackeray's novels.
6. To paraphrase The Spectator's own motto, Vanity Fair is champagne for the soul.
7. In the new issue of the Italian Vanity Fair,(sentence dictionary) Patrick Dempsey confirms that the show’s upcoming eighth season will be his swan song.
8. Suddenly, upscale magazines like Vanity Fair wanted in on the Miley phenomenon.
9. Fashion magazine Vanity Fair has compiled its annual list of the world's best - dressed people.
10. The picture are memorable: Vanity Fair the Slough of Despond , Giant Despair the Delectable Mountain.
11. Beckhams have hit Vanity Fair magazine's list of the best dressed people in the world.
12. Vanity Fair is, without doubt, the greatest of Thackeray's novels.
13. Several of the magazines were also going through identity crises, with new editors trying to redefine Vanity Fair and Mademoiselle.
14. I bought some magazines for the trip - Cosmopolitan and Vanity Fair.
15. Lunch blowout beside the pool, accompanied by folkloric dancing ( Vanity Fair ).
16. Amnesty International made her a prisoner of conscience , while Vanity Fair dubbed her Burma's Saint Joan.
17. The first pictures of the baby girl were published in last month's edition of Vanity Fair.
18. "Steichen was a perfectionist, " says Howard Schatz, a fashion photographer whose portraits of actors appear in Vanity Fair.
19. Our friend George was in the full career of the pleasures of Vanity Fair.
20. William Makepeace Thackeray was an outstanding critical writer in England in the 19th century. Vanity Fair is his masterpiece and it is still considered as a great work now.
More similar words: vanityMayfaircapacity factorairy-fairyby fair means or foulsanityinanityinsanityhumanityurbanityprofanitymundanityparty favorinhumanityChristianityfair-hairedkidney failuredairy farmacute kidney failuredairy farminghumanitarianismfairfairyFAIRSaffairfair usefair wayfairlyfairwayunfair
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